Engaging in physical treatment, as one of the advantages of infrared sauna use, makes its repair and recovery of muscle damage a prime incubator of facilitating the human body’s natural propensity to direct blood flow to sites of injury.
Sauna Muscle Recovery

Infrared Sauna Muscle Recovery - The Long-time Influence of Heat
Where heat therapies have had a trusted history of use among both treatments in the lanes of both elite sporting and household remedies, its practice works on trusted principles of musculoskeletal health, and the understanding of blood flow’s significance to muscle regeneration.
Fundamentally, sauna muscle recovery works on the body’s response to heat stress, and its physiological load on its cardiovascular system.
When internal temperatures increase, the body’s need for a stable and conducive environment work to keep our internal systems at an optimally functioning temperature. Heat, where it is localised to an area of the body, dilates blood vessels to encourage greater flow to the site of injury.
In doing so, increased circulation and flow for nutrient-rich blood toward muscle tissue is achieved, and pathways of blood vessel capillary growth are signalled, or the vessels responsible for the exchange of oxygenated blood to its cells.
Muscle tissue becomes equipped with greater capillary growth, in other words, optimising the efficiency and circulatory network of your muscles to receive the oxygenated blood needed for both strength and endurance.
Infrared sauna muscle recovery works on this circulatory load on the body, as an underlying benefit to its adaptation to heat.
This information is not intended to prescribe a particular health issue or course of action. We are not medical professionals, so please contact your GP or health practitioner for medical advise.